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Elevate Special kids | Dyslexia

What is dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that primarily affects a person’s ability to read. It’s a neurological condition, not related to intelligence, and can make it challenging for individuals to decode words, recognize letters, and comprehend written text. When an individual with Dyslexia sees a text, their brain does not process the letters in the manner we expect. The letter can be processed as mirror images or the placement of the letters are changed. This impacts the reading and comprehension abilities as well as the speed of processing.

Signs and symptoms
  • Late speech development
  • Difficulty with rhyming
  • Difficulty with phonological awareness
  • Difficulty with word recognition affecting fluency and pace
  • Inaccurate reading
  • Avoidance of reading
  • Poor reading comprehension
  • Limited vocabulary